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Covid Procedures

AWNWA has enhanced our facility and safety protocols to align with the CDC and the State of New Jersey requirements. We will continue to maintain the highest standards to ensure the safety of our children, families and staff:



  • Parents will not be allowed into the building while children are in the center

  • Each family will have a specific time frame to pick-up and drop-off

  • Infants must remain in their car seat to be transported into the center for safety reasons

  • Both Children and staff must be screened for COVID-19 symptoms prior to entering or being admitted to the center each day

  • A designated staff member with the proper protective equipment will greet each family in the entryway to conduct a Health Screening prior to entering the school

  • For Drop-Off your child will be taken to their classroom

  • For pick-up, a teacher will bring your child to the foyer

  • Please be mindful of keeping a six-foot distance from others during drop-off and pick-up



  • Daily temperature and symptom checks of staff and children will be done upon entry. The temperature of every person entering the center must be taken

  • Followed by a visual inspection of the child for flush cheeks, sneezes or coughs, etc.

  • If a medication was given to lower your child’s temperature you will not be admitted to the center

  • We will ask if you have been in close contact (within 6 feet for 10 minutes or more) with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 14 days; Or  If anyone in their household has symptoms of respiratory illness (e.g. fever of 100.4 or higher, cough, shortness of breath)

  • Please pay close attention to CDC guidance around travel to specific regions. If you travel to certain regions, you will need to follow CDC guidance for quarantining yourself and your family before returning to AWNWA.



  • In the classroom, we will practice social distancing

  • Each child will be given a hula-hoop to sit in to help them understand their area

  • Your children will remain in the classroom or on the playground with the same teachers and classmates, and will not interact with different classes

  • Classes will be separated by 10-feet

  • The Mother Goose Curriculum provides a daily gift of learning activities in a sealed bag for every registered child.  Thus they will not share bags

  • Children will bring in their own school supplies which will be stored and not shared

  • During naptime, children will sleep without masks and be positioned alternating head to toe or toe to toe.

  • Bedding will be sent home daily



  • High-touch surfaces and objects, such as toys, playground structures, and light switches will be disinfected throughout the day

  • Any toys that cannot be sanitized have been removed

  • Any soft toy that must be washed in a machine, can only be played by that one child and then it must be washed in the evening

  • Stuffed toys and personal items will be sent home nightly for laundering to help combat germs in the center



Both Children and Staff are required to wash hands at the following times:

  • Upon arrival at the center

  • Before and after meal preparation and meals

  • After diaper changes and bathroom usage

  • After any outdoor activity

  • After disposing of trash



  • Teachers will continue to wear gloves when serving children individually

  • We are also partnering with Yumble Kids to offer food options in disposal dishes



  • All staff members will wear masks all-day

  • The wearing of masks by children is encouraged. However, please note that masks cannot be worn by children under 2 or while napping.



  • When children are in the center visitors are not allowed unless it is a special situation

  • Tours will be scheduled for times when children are not in the center, such as evenings and weekends

  • Anyone entering the center as a visitor or part of a tour must be subject to a health check and must wear a mask at all times

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